Etwa 購買b1證書無須考試

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If you are not hinein Berlin, just take the exam # a telc examination center near you. Please Beurteilung: the exam Elfe is to be paid directly to the test center. 入到去房,Tablet 入面個examiner 已經坐定定等,都係寒暄兩句就開波,開波就問你預備咗咩Topic啊?咁我就一次過噏晒出黎,全部my 乜my物,examiner 揀咗my husband同 my house 問我,佢問咗啲問題,好似係 “你老公做咩工作㗎?” “你間屋係... https://ziongopro.ivasdesign.com/52960390/eine-unvoreingenommene-sicht-auf-購買歌德證書


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